Jetta Express gives you access to entirely new distribution channels for exporting your branded products. This applies above all to exports to China, where our operating model focuses on importing foreign branded products via free trade zones, special administrative regions (SARs) and special economic zones (SEZs). These new options are the result of a very recent reform that makes it possible to import branded products in the original German or European packaging. Thanks to this reform, private packages valued at 500 renminbi (equivalent to about 70 euros) can be imported per person and day in China.

Our operating model takes full advantage of the possibilities that now exist under this liberalisation of east-west trade. You no longer need to specially package and label your branded products for the Chinese market. You no longer need to go to the expense of having your branded products registered, tested and certified by government agencies. What is more, shipping your branded products to China via the free trade zones and our sales partners is associated with tax benefits. The highly complex, intricate and sometimes costly business of exporting branded products to China suddenly becomes very easy for you as the manufacturer – and at much less expense.

But how is that possible? First, we collaborate with all the leading online shops in China – but also innumerable smaller ones– from which millions of consumers throughout the country order western branded products. On these online platforms, consumers can read all about the branded products offered for sale, and in their native language. In other words, as a manufacturer, you no longer need to print this information on the packaging in Chinese. Once goods are ordered in the online shops, we deliver them on behalf of the internet platform provider, in most cases from the free trade zones directly to consumers.

In addition, we work with leading Chinese supermarket chains, each of which has thousands of stores. These chains display samples of your branded products or advertise them in their stores, for example on large video walls. In both cases, end consumers get detailed information on the products in the store and can place an order directly with the sales staff. Alternatively, customers can order the goods right on their smartphones, tablets or other mobile devices, or via QR codes or shopping apps (O2O commerce). In this case, we also usually deliver your branded products from the free trade zones directly to consumers.

In short, thanks to our operating model, which fully exploits the options associated with importing branded goods to China via the free trade zones, SARs or SEZs, you can greatly simplify your export business.


Sunbeam International Leistungen neue Vertriebswege


At Jetta Express, we have extensive experience with all the elements that promote smooth and efficient exports. We continuously monitor framework conditions to determine if and how they have changed. We maintain a close and efficient exchange of information with all partners and government authorities, for instance on pending changes in legislation, so that our team is up-to-date at all times. If necessary, we can adapt our operating model to new framework conditions at short notice, ensuring optimal results for your export business in the long term.


Our entire team – including our sales partners – is comprised of outstanding specialists from all over the world, who have a thorough knowledge and understanding of various markets and their special characteristics, particularly the differences between Asian and European markets. We know how these markets function and how branded products should be introduced. We are familiar with both the mentality and attitudes of consumers, and the potential cultural conflicts that can occur. That is our core competence. And the foundation for your success.

Because we speak the respective country languages, we can communicate with all of our partners’ representatives. In other words, we don’t come up against any language barriers in collaborating with our partners. That guarantees a smooth exchange of information and totally rules out misunderstandings.

All of these factors are advantages you can exploit. They give you a lead over your competitors in key growth markets around the globe – especially in Asia.

We prevent you from making the mistakes that many branded product manufacturers make, simply because they don’t have the necessary knowledge of the specific markets.

Most likely, you don’t have the time or financial resources required to acquire this kind of know-how yourself!


We work with numerous local sales partners in the respective export markets, who enable you to successfully reach potential consumer segments. This results in large order volumes that we combine, consolidate and process for you. Our approach minimises your administrative effort.


No matter how our clients’ goods are transported: Jetta Express specialists handle the entire customs process for our clients in Germany and other European countries.

We have our own warehouses in Cologne and Amsterdam, where we can temporarily store and re-pack your branded products, perform quality control checks and even re-label products. Prior to export, we randomly inspect all shipments delivered to us by our clients, and document all movement of goods in packing lists, so we know at all times which goods are located where. Online tracking and tracing of all shipments is also standard practice for us and our logistics partners.

Our clients profit from a complete logistics chain that leaves nothing to chance.

Sunbeam International Leistungen Logistik


The high-level performance we achieve in the import/export business is rooted in our controlled logistics chain, in which we work very closely with professional logistics service providers. In this context, we prefer working with partners who specialise in specific services. The employees of our logistics partner in China even speak German, which further contributes to smooth collaboration.

As a rule, we forward your branded products to Asian export markets by air, meaning that your branded products reach consumers within a few days – faster than ever before.

When it comes to very large volumes or certain products, we occasionally also select sea freight forwarding to save on costs. In this case, your branded products are shipped in containers at low rates.

And in the foreseeable future, rail freight forwarding via routes currently being constructed along the New Silk Road will be an attractive alternative. In contrast to sea freight, the containers with your branded products reach consumers in just two weeks – and at a cost comparable to that of sea freight.

Within Europe, we have your branded products transported as road or air freight depending on the destination.


We maintain an innovative, highly efficient digital communication system that keeps us connected with all our sales and logistics partners, as well as with government authorities. This system guarantees a rapid, error-free flow of information along our entire supply chain. Consumers want the branded products they order to be delivered as quickly as possible. But fulfilling this demand requires a standardised, extensively automated flow of information that accompanies or precedes the flow of goods.

Sunbeam International Leistungen Ausgefeilte Infrastruktur


In the free trade zones, we have our own, large warehouse spaces, where we can stock or temporarily store your branded products in close proximity to consumers. We relieve you of all the administrative work also involved in importing goods to the free trade zones. We obtain all approvals and customs documents required to import branded products to China. Another advantage: our clients also don’t have to take care of any issues relating to patent law.

Sunbeam International Leistungen Eigene Lager


Not just good – better. We ask ourselves every day how we can continuously optimise our process, for example by introducing the newest technologies.


To export your branded products, you need a financially sound partner who can effortlessly organise your sales on foreign markets, even with large order volumes. In addition to our own strong financial standing, SUNBEAM International cooperates very closely with distinguished financial institutions, enabling us to finance virtually any volume of trade for both your imports and exports. And the terms and conditions we can offer are extremely favourable.